The commission of more than 80 transactions for a total amount exceeding 11 billion rubles is the basis for the application for bringing the controlling person of the debtor of the oil company to vicarious liability.

Throughout the year, almost daily, the Commercial Court of the Khanty-Mansiysk District considered 73 applications of the Bankruptcy Trustee for invalidation of transactions filed in the bankruptcy case of JSC Inga, which is part of the Ruspetro group of oil companies.
The bankruptcy trustee disputed employment contracts with former top managers of the company, transactions with foreign persons, contracts for the provision of legal services, contracts for the sale of company property, as well as a significant number of transactions made between affiliated companies in the Ruspetro group of companies.
Tenzor Consulting Group lawyers analyzed over three thousand different documents of the Debtor for the period from 2011 to 2020, a significant part of which was compiled in English.
At the moment, all the statements of the Bankruptcy Trustee are recognized as unjustified. Having considered all the evidence that was collected by the lawyers of Tenzor Consulting Group, the court found it lawful to write off more than 11 billion rubles from the accounts of the bankrupt JSC Inga, of which 8 billion rubles. were a loan submitted for the purpose of restructuring the group of companies, about 2.5 billion rubles of payments in favor of the affiliated company JSC Ruspetr” under the agreement on the transfer of powers of the sole executive body, and the remaining amount – payments to former employees and counterparties of the group of companies Ruspetro.